Saturday, May 15, 2010

Launch Project - 2212 Collier Ave.

When others said no we said yes and with the help of so many organizations and groups we were able to help this homeowner get her yard back and her house painted. I hope everyone enjoy's these photo's of "Tixie's" house and understand how it took a whole city, county and more to make one project get done through sweat equity and the spirit of Volunteering. Welcome to the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Project and we hope that we can help other organize the same type of projects through out Palm Beach County!

To all that made this possible we would like to thank:

Residents of Lake Osborne Heights
Solid Waste Authority - Joanna Aiken
Rebuilding Together of the Palm Beaches - Joanna Aiken
Steve Viles Painting
Palm Beach Sheriff's Office - District 14
Amador Landscaping - Deborah and the A-Team!
TONY The Bobcat (Trixie's Son in law and Neighbor)
Lake Osborne Presbyterian Church (GO TEAM)
Sandi Dubois - City of Lake Worth Planning and Zoning
The City Departments of Lake Worth (THANK YOU)
Mayor of Lake Worth Rene Varela
Lake Worth Commissioner Scott Maxwell
Lake Worth Commissioner Cara Jennings and Waffle
DCI Construction
The Benjamin School
Palm Beach Lakes High Spanish Honor Society
Mike the Bee Guy
And so many others!!!

When everyone does a little ... a lot gets accomplished!


  1. Robert you are amazing. Thank you for being the kind of neighbor we should all strive to be! I am proud to call you a friend.

  2. Robert I saw the news broadcast last night! Neighbors helping Neighbors has already begun to make it's mark in our City. Thank you for giving me even more reasons to love our beautiful City and the people we call our neighbors!

  3. It's lovely that some people still paint their homes in old fashioned South Florida pink. These "natural shades" so popular today are crazy.

  4. Robert and the Team, I want to share my thoughts as a neighbor, that you are a exceptional person and admired throughout the community. You inspire me to be a better neighbor, and I am here to join the cause and to help make a different in our community.
